Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spiritual perspective

Well, after yesterday's post I took my blood pressure and ended up having to go to the hospital... We were there till 4:00 in the morning, which was not fun. The doctor increased my Adelat to another 30 mg dose in the evening. This will be a good thing in my opinion actually. Adelat is a long-acting drug. It takes a few days to see any change, but the effects are more stable. The other drug (lebatolol) is like the tylenol of blood pressure medications. Fast acting and wears off at different rates for different people. I personally don't think the Lebatolol does much for me, considering how high a dose I'm on. The Adelat however, has changed my afternoon readings to being stable and a bit lower.

Now I have a dose of Adelat in the afternoon to help carry me through the evening. I've learned (through hospital visits) that my pressure goes down in the wee hours of the morning on it's own, so as long as I can control it for the supper/evening readings, I'll be doing alright.

Correction though. I can't control it. God can.

Today pastor Duane and his wife Patricia from Riverwood Church came to our home to lay hands on us and pray with us. It was a very touching moment. Both Curtis and I realized how much we needed that, and how much our home needed it. It's hard sometimes to  remember to fill our home with prayer, even at the best of times. But it does make a difference. My Blood Pressure readings were still initally higher afterwords, but the difference was a sense of peace about the situation, because God already knows everything that will be happening with my body, with this baby etc...

Patricia also gave me a word: "the joy of the Lord will be your strength"... It was an interesting thing to say, and to some, it may just sound "fluffy", but there's more to it. This morning the devotion I read was about doing everything for God's glory and what that means. God's been giving me a bit of a theme today with this. So now I have moments where I ask God to give me his joy... Then I'm filled with this sense of peace. I think about  the completion of Christ's plan, God's joy and delight when people turn to him or praise him or spend time with him, the freedom and victory we have in Christ over the evil one (or "the creep" as they call him in women's ministry).

It was an interesting word to receive in this time, but it does bring me peace. It didn't work to take down my blood pressure, but even so, If I ended up going back in, it would be with more peace, and faith in God's plans.

I think I need to be pursuing God more during this time. It's funny, we say we don't have time to do all the spiritual enrichment we'd like to do. well I've had nothing but time for 8 days now, and I've picked up my bible maybe 3 times for a lenth of ... perhaps 5-10 minutes each. Pretty sad. I think sometimes we make up excuses, and that's all their is to it.

Baby is doing well today. Hyper, starting to take up more space it feels like... He seems to enjoy bouncing on my bladder quite a bit too!  Our Doula told us not to drink fruit juices cause it makes for big babies... So haha! now I'm adding Orange Juice to my daily routine. Gonna bulk up that baby!!

I decided to do my "bed time" reading earlier in the evening when my meds are more effective, so tonight, I'm for SURE not going to the hospital. What a releif!

Thanks for your continued prayers!

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