Friday, January 11, 2013

Well it's been an eventful few days.  My last trip to St. B ended up with me on max doses of both my meds. My pressures yesterday were surprisingly good!  The only problem was that i would wake up from my naps feeling winded. Last night i tried to sleep for 4 hrs, but every time i was almost asleep i would start gasping for air. St. B instructed me to go to HSC women's because St. B's NICU was too full if i had to be induced.  Man... I am glad we went with St. B...

The summary is that they found fluid in my lungs which they believe is related to the Blood pressure. They admitted me and sent me back to
St.   B. here i am, and still haven't slept.

Baby is doing good though and my blood pressure is still behaving.
They are tweaking my meds (cutting lebatolol in half and adding some hydralozine).  They expect this to help the lungs out.

We're not sure what will all happen but i am definately in for another. Night, maybe more.  Now that my body is being affected by the blood pressure, they are far more likely to induce me pre-term (before
36 weeks).  I only have 8 days till 36 weeks and i am hoping they will hold on with me for that time.

Please keep us both in your prayers, especially curtis, with work and back-and-forth trips to the hospital.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there girl, you are always in my thoughts and continue to be in my prayers. There are many family and friends surrounding you, Curtis and the baby in prayer. God is Good and will continue to be close to you. Love you loads and praying constantly.
    Love Mom
