Wednesday, January 16, 2013

end in sight

So I had a doctor's appointment today, and things are still going OK.  She is still happy with all my lab results from the weekend, and is sending me for more testing on Friday. (i get to do another lovely 24 hr urine tomorrow-Friday... yay...) at least it's from home this time! After my blood work on Friday, she'll give me a call Saturday. Depending on the results I will either be induced on Saturday (my 36 week mark) or we will wait till my Dr. Appt on Tuesday if things look okay.

We are secretly hoping she will let us get to 37 weeks, but she didn't sound too positive on that. It sounds like she's either thinking this Saturday or Tuesday will be our induction.  On the positive side (not that having a baby is a negative thing in any way), after 36 weeks and a couple days, we are guarenteed to be able to deliver at St. B, because baby may or may not require NICU care!!! That's pretty exciting news! We are still sort-of preparing ourselves for a worst-case scenario, especially since our baby's growth is in the 35'th percentile (on the smaller side of average), but we are praying for God's blessing on the situation.

In other news... I'm having a really rough time sleeping!! if you want to lift that up in prayer it would be appreciated!  I'm getting a bit of a cold, so my nose is stuffed up. the air is too dry to breathe through my mouth, and I keep thinking about how important sleep is for baby and my blood pressure, that I get all anxious about falling asleep (how counter-productive, I know)... Since preggo's can't take sleeping pills, I'm at a loss of what to do (other than drink some warm milk). My Dr. Says insomnia is pretty normal at this stage of the pregnancy, so i'm not horribly worried, and at least I have all day to do absolutely nothing, if I don't sleep. Still though... two nights in a row being up till 4 AM then 2:30 AM when I tried to fall asleep at 10:30, is quite frustrating.  Lack of sleep can increase blood pressure from my research, so i'm a bit anxious about the whole situation as a result of that.

Anyway, we will just keep taking things one day at a time! I've had two antinatal nurses tell me now, that parenting will actually feel easier than what I've been dealing with! haha we shall see. It's definately an encouragement though, that the future looks brighter than the present.

Thanks for all your continued prayers and support! We really appreciate it all, and DEFINITELY would not have made it this far without you! Please continue praying! We've got a count-down to Saturday now! 3 more sleeps till we're in the safe-zone! ,Please keep praying though. Every day is it's own day. Last night at supper my pressure was almost too high (like I almost had to go into hospital), so we are far from "in the clear". Every day is it's own battle. Every day is another victory and another step closer to the 36 week mark! Thanks again!

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