Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New life

Life has been moving at a rediculous pace lately (hence no blogging). And now I'm on my break at work, so I have a few minutes. Not sure if you're up to date, I work at Child and Family Services as a social worker in my home town. My husband recently started his own construction company, and we bought a house last summer and are living in rennovations! Oh! And I'm 14.5 weeks pregnant (Due Feb 2 2013). So lets just say life is moving along nicely!

Spiritually? Well, the spiritual care challenge went out the window for sure. And being so busy, God's not THAT important right? Ugh... But his Grace continues to persevere. It blows my mind. He's teaching me love. Seems like I should know that by now, but I don't. I still think I need to earn it. I still think if I do something wrong, He'll remove his favor from me, but it's not true. God's son died so I could ALWAYS be in his favor! He'll never send a flood, he'll never force me into exile, there is no "unforgivable" sin... as if he isn't big enough to forgive us. I say all this, and I know it intellectually. But when I neglect my faith, or deliberately do something God tells me not to, I still feel as though He's going to burn me.... And right now, that fear is a mis-carraige. This baby's life is in God's hands, and He has told me this kid's His kid. So I KNOW he won't go back on his word and make me mis-carry. That's the thoughts of Satan, but it's hard none the less....

Something else interesting? I have an older aboriginal client, who was in residential school, and has totally risen above it. This woman doesn't need CFS, she should be a freaking elder for her people. Anyway, I had a beautiful opportunity to let her share, then I shared about how my Grandmother worked in a residential school (It kills me inside to know this). You might think that would be an awkward moment, but it wasn;t. It was a beautiful one of healing for both of us....

Well that's it for now. Till next time!