Saturday, September 25, 2010

cool happenings lately

So my friend just got married. I had the honor of being her maid of honor!  Now that the honeymoon is over, she is beginning to see where human marriage falls short...but luckily she has a strong connection to her savior and is beginning to see how Christ is truly a lover! I am so excited for her to learn that journey!
Something really cool happened to her today when she said "yes" to God. She did devotions on her front steps of the appartment block she lives in...on young street... as she was sitting at the end, a young couple came up to her and handed her an invitation to their wedding. they said "we'd like you to come to our wedding!"...she has NEVER met this couple before, and on the invitation is the passage about the wedding feast...

Now, I understand skepticism about this...maybe it's a Jehova's witness thing, maybe another cult...but REALLY?! She listened to God by doing devo's outside, and this is what happened. Pretty sure it's from God!

well, either way, i'm taking it as a sign from God about end times. He's been telling me how he is rejecting the big churches, and building smaller ones. with the rejects...just like the wedding feast in the bible. SO exciting!

I went for a jog today and God stopped me in a park. He got me to do some excercises and then some balancing streatches. He made me do them with my eyes open, and i did alright, but as soon as He got me to close my eyes, I lost my balance! "you see?" He said "you need your sight in order to stay need me in order to stand strong spiritually! Now let me balance you!"

He then proceeded to get me to do some complicated balancing poses i cant do on my own. He got me to close my eyes, tilt my head/gaze etc... and I remained stable until the end!! It was super easy! I should bring Jesus to yoga! haha!
Anyway, it was a cool experience and a reminder that Christ's plans are the greatest ones!

Monday, September 13, 2010

saying "yes" to that voice you try to rationalize away

So here i sit listening to christmas music! Christ told me christmas music isn't really his favorite....what kid likes hearing songs written about when they were born right!? little personal lulabyes broadcasted publicly? (obviously it's a totally different story when it actually brings someone into a place of worship. Then there's nothing He'd rather hear!)
 TOTALLY NOT the point of this post! The subject of this post is saying "yes" to CHrist, even when that voice doesn't seem to make sense for you. I'm not saying you should say "yes" to that voice that tells you to swerve your car into oncoming traffic cause it's God's will...that voice isn't the one from God!

I'm talking about the voice you ignore more regularely! the one that tells you to wear shoes instead of sandles. the one that says "dont take the car today", or that says "smile and say hi to that person; they need it today" or even *Gasp!* "tell that person I love them! They need to hear it!"

Well, therein lies the beginning of my little adventure a couple of days ago! It started with me listening to what Christ wanted to say through me! I asked Him who He wanted to encourage through me today, and He gave me two names. One was a friend from highschool (the ONLY friend i really talk to from highschool still actually!) and the other, was my husband's old pastor that I have maybe talked to twice in my life! "Well okay!" I said as I obeyed (said "yes" to the voice). I then proceeded to bus downtown by missing my preferred bus. As I waited for the 20 to take me up to henderson from Watt, Kayla called and Christ said "don't be ashamed to talk about me to her. these bystanders are my concern, not yours". So I obeyed and spilled my guts out! It was great!

After getting on the bus, Christ said one stop in "you need to get off now!!" so I said "yes". After I was off, He revealed to me that there was an evil presence which entered the bus at that stop which He didn't want to touch me. I walked up to henderson and waited for the ever-so-slow but consistent number 11 bus! The grouchy middle aged man from the bus stop sat next to me on the bus and Christ said "that grouch is a mask. He needs to know that I love him"
"ah yes" i said "he does...i will pray for him" ...
"oh...crap..." i said as my heart rate increased
"Krysta, what do you have to lose. you don't know him. He is just as much my problem as the bull rushes were"
"your right"...
"'re still not saying it"
"I KNOW! ...i know... i will"
"He is going to get off at the next stop"
"I'll say it! just wait!"
sure enough he got up to get off... so i stood up and tapped him on the shoulder
"Excuse me, i've been putting this off, but God wants you to know that He loves you."
"WHAT!?" the man exclaimed in confusion
This time looking him in the eyes "God NEEDS you to know that he loves you"
"Get away from me you stupid *%$@#" he mumbled as he got off the bus.
"That went well" Christ said "you got two of the magical seven times a person needs to hear about me" he said mockingly, and i laughed to myself!

my day continued on, and I walked past two homeless men which Christ said "c'mon  I wanna treat them to lunch just as I treated you!" so i repeated "c'mon guys! God want's to treat you to lunch!" as we approached the hot dog stand, i saw they were cash me and one of the men went wandering around downtown looking for a debit machine (seriousely...who ONLY takes cash these days!!). This lead to an awesome discussion about his teaching career and his history in the residentail schools. I gave him an opportunity to vent his hatred for christians. He said "when i left i was so angy, i even burned my bible" I got to tell him that God understood that pain, and even understood what lead him to burn a bible. Eventually I got them lunch and they let me take their picture (with the big box of chips from the hotdog stand of course!)

I carried on my way and went to dollarama to get more supplies for the bachelorette i was planning in the evening when i decided to buy a canvas to paint. An aboriginal man with a scarred face came up and grabbed about 5 canvases, and I was reminded of my crazy college painting friend. so I asked him "what do you paint?" to which he responded "aboriginal art" we talked about aboriginal art for a while and then he offered to teach me how to paint aboriginal art! so I plan to do that yet! I'm going out for coffee with him next week sometime.

Then I began my journey home (you think God's done yet?) On the way home, i took the eleven cause there was no 43 coming within two hours (makes NO sense, cause it comes every 45 minutes). Getting off on Henderson, I inquired of God weather He wanted me to transfer or just walk down Johnson. He said "walk" so I said "yes"...on the way home i met a kind immigrant muslim woman and we talked and encouraged each other. I encouraged her in her english, and she taught me some swahili!

Because I said "yes", my God taught me that He can use a white german girl to help the Aboriginal people. He taught me that I can paint a cultural art form not my own. That he's the God that breaks all divisions, including spiritual bondage.. That He is the God of the grumpy, the homeless, and the muslim woman. All are His creation and not a ONE are out of His reach!

What have you done to say "yes" to that voice today?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Honeymoon Day two and three

Good morning world!! I woke up this morning, to a re-affirmed faith, through the bull rushes adventure (see previous post). God decided He wanted to dress me this morning. I woke up and He guided me through self-care as I showered, washed up, moisturized and deodorized. I heard Him beckon me to wear makeup today, but not yet! I was to get dressed first! So I went to get dressed, and He lead me to my work out clothes. He said "you're going to do a little running"... "really God? I just showered!" "oh it's alright Krysta, You won't sweat much. It's just short." So I put them on, and went outside to jog. As I started to Jog, I felt Christ call me to run. So I ran, right to the place where I sat with Him in the trees. I said "this time I can take the path right? Cause I'm in shorts and the whole poison ivy thing..." to which He responded "Nope! Go through the bush! I am the God of the forest, I will stop the poison Ivy!". Part of me wonders if He will take away my poison Ivy through my faith in walking through it again... But I don't know that for sure (now in hindsight, I know He has taken it away). Anyway, once in that area, God did a trust exercise with me.

As I climbed up the tree trunk, I ended up standing straight up on the "chair". I heard Christ's voice. Now have faith. Trust me and fall back..." Seriously, I just laughed at this. I could feel Christ was hurt, but I just sat there and apologised to Him. My faith isn't there yet. I don't know if it ever will be. He seemed confused. It was as if he was standing on the ground with His arms out saying "I will catch you!"...still I said "no thanks..." So we sat together on the log for a while, before I jumped off. Then I felt God say "what about allowing me to catch you from standing on the ground?" I tried to reason with myself that the worst that could happen is knocking the wind out of me, and needing a couple chiropractor appointments...but still, I did not have the faith to do it.

I squatted down on my feet and put my head on my hands between my knees. I felt shame that I couldn't trust God after all that's happened so far....I heard Christ's voice saying "you are not a failure. It's a journey. I know your heart, and the timing will come. Why don't you try falling back in the position you are in now?"...see that was easy! I'm squatting, so there's really no way I could get hurt if He didn't catch me.

So I closed my eyes, held my knees and fell back... My back hit the ground, and rolled gently with the curve of my spine. I sat myself up and said "see!? I knew you wouldn't catch me!!" I was extremely confused, but still felt Christ saying "you still fell for me though!". So I left the area with that sense of failure and confusion. As I began the jog home, Christ said " need to run the race with perseverance!" So I ran! It's not THAAT far, but I'm seriously out of for me it took perseverance to run that.... 1/2 of a kilometre...ha-ha. So I ran and I was out of breath, but Christ was right beside me whispering encouragement, until the final moment when He said "stop now". And I could walk...then He said "see? Now your body is warm enough to go look at my lake in your shorts and t-shirt!" ...yeesh! Thanks God! I guess it's good though. So we watched the huge waves for a little bit, before going back up to the cabin. I did feel God wanted me to pick some bull rushes again though, so I did. This time He let me pick which ones. He said "I'll make sure you can get those ones without your foot slipping". He helped me get the rushes. I then decided to put them on the bench again. I wanted to see if Christ would blow the chaff, leaves out of the bench but leave the rushes there.

So I went inside and to the mirror. Christ now guided me through putting on my makeup. "nothing that will add or take away from my creation now!" so no foundation, no blush, bronzer lipstick... I picked up my eye shadow and He said "use green!" ...really God? Green makes me look dead! But I did it. "now purple" He beckoned. So I used the purple. This was followed by mascara, then eye liner on top of the eye shadow. It looked pretty funny, but then Christ told me, to blend the liner into the eye shadow. After I did so, it looked really great! "I'm going to give you eyes even more beautiful than this when you come to heaven! What else do you like? You like the sparkly stuff! Use some of that! I'll make sure you shine in heaven too!" So I added sparkly shimmer powder, and some lip gloss. After that, I was finished! I looked in the mirror and really liked what I saw!! So did Christ! I am His bride, and especially today, I am exclusively His! I look great just for Him! I decided to take a picture, to show how Christ desired me to look. Again, without smile or any special posing. Just as I am.

I also checked on my bull rushes and saw they were still there. Less impressive, seeing as there was no wind. But so were the chaff leaves. They were there too. I picked them out of their wedged places in the bench and threw them away...and felt a desire to throw it all away. With a sense of relief, I picked up those rushes, and flung them in the air with a smile! "well done!"... He said.

I went to Gimli for the morning/afternoon. What an awesome day! When I got to Gimli, I was ridiculously tired, so I looked for a place to get coffee. I asked God if I could get food too, and He said no. But I felt like He was hinting that I should go to "The Pier" for coffee. As I turned to walk towards it, I heard His voice saying "great! Now I'll treat you to lunch!". God likes to bless me when I'm obedient to His voice. So we went in and sat down. It was funny, it felt weird to talk to a person again. I was so used to talking with Christ, that it seemed surreal to talk to a human. I couldn't decide what to order, and Christ kept saying, just pick what you'd like, and I'll worry about the cost. So I ordered the Lake Winnipeg Salad and the Moroccan bean chowder. It was a good choice. The salad was all natural, with fish, a vinaigrette...and the soup was an Indian flavour with a thick, blended bean and chicken broth. No cream. I was pleasantly impressed by both. God said " I could make that soup better! And I've got better fish for you yet!" We had a good time in the restaurant, talking, looking at the waves, rejoicing with the sun, and reading His word. I stumbled upon a passage in Isaiah thirty, which really spoke to me, so I wrote it out. I was able to praise Christ through the passage. It was a nice romantic date on our honeymoon to sum it up.

After I left the restaurant and tipped the waitress somewhat generously, I was going to walk on the pier, when I felt the spirit nudge me to go to the art gallery. So I went! It was free! It was bizarre to see His creation through the artistic eyes of His creation. I heard Him smile as He admired the artwork saying "I make it better". He introduced me to some abstract artwork saying "now this does my creation justice. It just can't be described!" Then I got to meet an artist. For some reason, I just adored her with the eyes of my lover and saviour! It was great! She taught me about perspectives in art, and I was encouraged in my own artistic abilities.

After leaving the art gallery, I intended to go onto the peer when Christ lead me to Sandstone gift shop. I objected, but he said "no, I want to buy you something. This is our honeymoon after all!" So I looked around at the fancy kitchen stuff and God said "no, I don’t want to give you a gift that will create work for you." I kept looking until I saw the rocks! There were geodes that were cut open. I looked at them each, and they were all beautiful. Finally I picked up one that was pretty ugly on the outside, and not all that amazing on the cut side. But when you looked right inside, it was shimmering and pure white! "That's you!" said Christ. He bought it for me. I was so excited! That is, until I heard Him say "if I asked you to, would you throw that rock into the lake?"...I was NOT impressed! After all, it was a four dollar rock! "hey!' He said "it's a gift from me. I give and I take away!" I eventually worked through it, deciding that I would throw it in the water, when I realized this could be an Abraham and Isaac test. "could be" He said.

And so I went on my walk along the peer. It was a lovely walk. I forgot the memory card for my camera and couldn't take any pictures. But I DID get to draw some birds I'd never seen before. That was pretty neat. Jesus also baffled me with how silly science is for saying that water is molecules...looking at the lake, that's a pretty silly concept. How many water molecules are in a single teaspoon of water, let alone a lake!?

As I finished my walk, I realized the rock was still in my purse..."thanks God". I began to walk along the beach with God. We walked close to some seagulls. There were two that were brown and speckly instead of grey and white like the rest. "those are unique, just like you Krysta". We walked a while farther before He pointed out a rock to me that was pure white on the outside, but a muddy grey color inside. "Whitewashed tombs..." I took the rock as a reminder to never be fake. It works right along with the geode which is ugly on the outside but dazzling white on the inside....also goes great with Isaiah 30.

With that, I looked in a couple more gift shops, began some weaving of the rushes and headed for the cabin! When I got to the camp Morton turn off, I felt drawn to the camp to worship. It felt like a sanctuary to me. So I drove in and parked in a place where I could walk to the former chapel. I brought my bible, the bulrushes and my snack....this is where the adventure got crazy! I ended up making a cross with a basket at the bottom to hold the rocks, bark and twig.

It was in this moment that I experienced the consummation of Christ. Christ came over me in an explicitly similar way to a husband. He waited patiently, showing nothing but love, but as the creator of man and manliness, He knew that he WOULD come over me, through me and in me. Nothing would stop that!  I am now one with my saviour! One with my lover, and intimately close to my father and His creation! It was in this moment that I experienced a taste of my worship gift. I can't wait for it's development. It was in that moment that I began to feel the emotions of Christ as He dwelled intimately inside of me.

I am now 100% convinced that God has created EACH of us with a spiritual Hymen (Go ask your mommy if you don't know what that is). The best part is, ONLY Christ knows where it is! Satan will do his darndest to try and rape your soul, but he CANT! It's because he doesn't know where the TRUE place for that consummation is! ONLY Christ knows, and He LAUGHS when satan thinks he's found it! Christ is always the victor, and we are ALL virgins WAITING for Him. It doesn't matter where you've been, what you've done in your life...You're still set-apart for Christ.

I sang all the way home from camp Morton! I felt Christ speak within me that we should celebrate! So I stopped at Bobby-Joe's for ice cream, but they were closed! So I went to Jads, and was going to get some beer batter and fish, but they didn't have I left. But just as I was about to go, I saw a small shotty sign that said "fish" by someone's house. I went there, and inquired, and the man and his daughter sold me two pickerel fillets for two dollars! He had just filleted them and they were sitting in a water mixture, still fresh! "Thanks God!".

I then went back to the camp, where Christ worked within me to prepare a FEAST!! No artificial seasonings, just pure Godly goodness! I had to laugh to myself, cause every meal today had fish! Jesus is truly in me! What a fisher of men He is! He's sure caught me!

When I was nearly done eating supper, Christ beckoned me to look outside and I saw the lighting was perfect for some pictures. So I was going to quickly go out in my slippers and get a few shots. I felt a need to put my shoes on, and asked "this is going to be longer than I planned isn't it..." to which He said "yes!". So we went on a photo shoot. I met creation, friends, animals, beauty and even a bit of fear towards His creation!

That leads me to the present moment! I plan to rest and relax with my saviour and lover! Tomorrow I will leave when I feel lead, and ready. Probably sooner than I expected!

The next day
The next day, the first thing I did was take a picture of myself:

Not bad for first thing in the morning! I could see God's wild love in my eyes. When I looked back at all three pictures I had taken, God's movement in my soul was OBVIOUS!

God then asked me to take the cross I had made, and  burn it up! I was a bit suprised until He spoke saying "the cross is a symbol of my torture. Is that how you want to remember me? " He continued to explain that I do not need a symbol of my faith in Him, because I have He Himself within me! What good is a symbol when you have the real deal! So with that, I gladly took my teatree oil and put it on the cross and offered the cross as my sacrifice to my God.

After this, I packed up and left! I was home by 11:00 AM and God and I worked out together! It was neat to see how His workout moves were different from my own, yet perfectly designed for my body! I then went shopping, and cooked a fantastic meal with God's direction. He told me "today you will learn how to hear my voice in the city. I sound much quieter and there are many other voices". That is exactly how it was! It was also wednesday, so I ended it all with prayer  group! 

Honeymoon Bull rushes adventure

Okay, so this is the stupidest possible way God could teach me a lesson of faith!!

God got me to pick some bull rushes... He also got me a piece of birch bark, a rock, and a twig. So he got me to put the rushes on the bench and walk away on this windy day, so I would have faith. I was worried, but when I came back 20 minutes later, nothing had moved. I tried the same thing with the light piece of bark on the deck, and again, God showed me His power over creation. It's a WINDY day! It should've all blown away...

Now he's got me all up in a knot over His next request of faith! He told me to put it ALL on the bench and leave it overnight!! Aaah!! It's so windy that the bench is rocking in the wind. The bark is so light and the rushes too!

The funny part is why the heck to I care? It's not even my stuff, it's Gods! Haha! It's HIS creation, I don't even know WHY He had me pick it for crying out loud! I shouldn't be so stressed... But I guess, this shows how little faith I really have... I'm scared that I will wake up and the rushes and bark will be blown around everywhere.

Even funnier, is Christ has expressed His hurt that after everything so far today, I still don't trust trust him. I appologized and asked Him to help my unbelief. In response to this, He told me to look at the rushes. They looked the same to me. Again I asked if I could look. The bench was rocking, and the rushes will still there. The one rush on the top of the bench handle had fallen to a more secure location. Still, I looked around the bench to make sure none had fallen down...

Eventually I sat there laughing to myself as I prayed "God, I surrender the bull rushes to you!" I'm still nervous, cause I feel like if they are all gone in the morning, so will my faith be..but I know that that isn't true! I am excited to see God pull through as a result of my mustard seed of faith...hah! IF that...

...The next day...

Haha! Wow did the wind blow last night! I eventually had to close all the curtains so I wouldn't focus on the bull rushes outside. I watched the Chronicles of Narnia before dropping off to sleep. It's neat how Christ's voice can speak when we are the little moments He speaks...

ANYWAY! So I woke up a few times at night when I heard the wind blowing against the cabin. I was afraid the wind would blow my faith (bullrushes) with it...but I just heard christ's voice as He lay next to me. "is everything alright? I've got you. I'm here beside you and I do not sleep. Remember, though winds blow and storms come, I will be with you and you will not be moved..." I took His encouragement and fell back asleep.

Then this morning, I looked outside, and was NOT surprised to see that all my rushes were still on the bench!! To be honest, I chose to have the faith that they would be there. I would have had my faith horribly let down if they were gone. Not only the bull rushes, but the stick, bark and stone were all still there! I heard Christ's voice say "the least of these is still in my control" referring to the tiny twig that you can barely see in the picture. I joyfully brought them into the cabin and set them down until the time where I feel Jesus wants me to do more with them. I have a feeling I will weave a memoir of this weekend with them or something...

But then later that morning, I had the audacity to go out and just double check that none had fallen on the ground. When I looked around, I found one wedged between the bench boards, as a means of securing it's place.

But I also saw a few smaller ones on the ground. I gathered them up with disappointment...Was my God not all-powerful? Could he not have kept them all on the bench? I inquired of Him about these things. The only word He gave me was "chaff"...To which I just smiled and joyfully threw the small useless pieces away! There's no way I could've weaved with those anyway!

Honeymoon day one

Well, it all started after my parents and husband left. I sort of walked around a bit, to get comfortable with the cabin alone with God. I then sat down on the couch and began to pray in an anticipatory way. "God, here I am, come meet me! Jesus, Holy Spirit, come and meet me!" I used more words than that....Anyway, my parents had just taken us out for lunch to Bobby Joe's, a great little burger and fries joint near the cabin! I was pretty stuffed and my stomach was sticking out to tell that to the world. I looked down at myself in shame. That's when I heard God's voice.

Krysta, why are you ashamed? I created you. I know you."

In disbelief I sat there, rolling my spiritual eyes at God's inner beauty fiasco.

"No seriously Krysta. Let me prove it to you."

God proceeded to beckon me to remove my clothing piece by piece so He could prove to me that He made and loved me. For a while, I just sat there doing nothing. But eventually, after much patient beckoning on God's part, I took my shoes and socks off (I know, scandalous).

"See?" He said "that wasn't so hard!"

I then got up and walked into my parent's bedroom, as if God took my hand and was like "I want to show you something!". I stood there thinking "you're not going to do what I think you are...are you?" To which God replied "You bet I am!". God continued to beckon me, in that room of intimacy past, to continue removing my clothing, so He could admire and affirm my beauty as a part of His creation. I was hesitant, but eventually sighed a sigh of "here we go!" and I unbuttoned my pants. I slid them off my body, to reveal my triangular thighs with accented cellulite (I know, beautiful eh?).

This is where things got a little crazy. I could feel Christ looking on with a smile of wonder as He said "wow! My beautiful bride!" It was as if He was gently caressing my legs, with a smile of wonder, as He said "you are fearfully and wonderfully made!" with a tone of awe and an expression of pure strong love. I realized my shirt had slid up to show the wonderful pudgy lump of the bottom of my stomach, so I went to pull my shirt down, when Christ seemed to say "No no, keep it there. I love ALL of you! That isn't a flaw, it's beautiful!". And so, I found myself facing the same awkward feelings of standing before my husband, revealing myself for the first time. Eventually, I heard Christ's gentle loving voice beckoning me to continue showing myself to Him. So I was going to take off some less-productive pieces of clothing, but Christ continued to say "Krysta, I love you and you are my beautiful bride. Please show yourself, so I can love you more, and fully experience your surrender". ...yes yes... I EVENTUALLY, obeyed Him. This left me standing feeling exposed and embarrassed of my flaws.

Still! I felt as though a sheer joy had crossed my saviour's face, as He smiled at me, once again whispering words of sheer and genuine awe at the beauty of my body which God created. It was like a sixteen year old boy getting his favourite dream car from his father... Pure and genuine joy is what Christ had as I willingly displayed my body to Him in that dark and slightly musty cabin room. I felt Him come up behind me and hold me in His arms. As I began to touch my flawed areas in shame, my saviour just said "it's beautiful!"

After a conversation with Christ about my husband, Jesus just smiled and said "you mean that earthly sinner thinks you are so beautiful that he desired to be with you?"

"..uh, ya I guess so."

"Don't you see how beautiful you must be then? God created Curtis's love and desire for much GREATER is mine!"

With that, my eyes were drawn to a picture on the wall of the mountains, a pond, some trees, flowers and a field. It was a breathtaking picture of God's majesty in creation.

"Krysta, I make beautiful creation! It is all beautiful, including you! I made you beautiful!"

I still didn't believe it. But Christ and I continued to “Selah” on that subject for a little while. I kept bringing up my stomach, and how big it was, and that it was sinful and how could my saviour love a sinful part of my body... Christ responded "first of all, yes, it is sinful. But it's size is not a reason to call it unbeautiful! For I make women's stomachs grow every time they bear a child and yet it is beautiful! And the mother who has a large stomach for the rest of her years, is she not still beautiful? My father has created a thorn in woman's flesh to have a small stomach for beauty, but that is not how the Father’s beauty works. You are beautiful with your stomach. Why don't you let me tell you the ways my father has guided your beauty despite your sinful nature."

And so Christ began from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. He complimented the areas of my body which God has continually shaped to be beautiful despite my sinful nature...

As I played with something in my hair He said "Krysta, you are worried about that little scab on your head. But I have known it was there long before you did! And the one hair on your head that is about to fall out, I have already planned how to grow a new one! You are beautiful and I have all the power of creation to increase that beauty!" With that I found a hair on my arm which was not attached to my head. I smiled to myself.

Then began the topic of consummation in our marriage. (Hey! Don’t diss it, it’s in the word!) My mind flashed back to Wednesday night prayer this past week, where Shiany prayed over me and brought Christ's challenging question to my attention "Krysta, will you stand with me!? ...Krysta, will you stand with me? Krysta, there is a war, and I need you by my side, will you take me seriously and STAND with me!?" ...This question was extremely challenging to me at the time, and my answer was honestly "No Jesus, but I really want me".

Now, in this moment of my exposure, I held up my hands and smiled as I received His grace over my beauty as a part of creation. I was able to say "yes Jesus, I will stand with you." as the thought of Consummation entered my mind again, I just thought towards Christ "That still seems very weird to me"...Jesus responded "That is alright. I am a patient God, and My love for you will take time for acceptance."

After this, I got dressed, and sat on the couch. I felt a bit disappointed, like a newlywed who could not be with their love on the first night for whatever reason... I guess Jesus heard my sigh of disappointment and He ministered to my heart. "Be patient. I am the perfect husband remember? I am not disappointed, but thrilled to spend this time together with you! I will not push you, because I created your comfort zone. I know full well when you will be ready, and I will have just as much joy in that moment, as I have right now"...

"How about a walk in my creation right now?". As I walked up to the lake, God said "Look how big it is! Right now, this is all for you!". We then continued to walk, and God put it on my mind to gather some bulrushes. He said "I've used basket weaving before. Gather these.” I didn't know why, but still I saw some in the ditch of our neighbouring cottage and gathered them up! As a brought them back to the cabin, I heard God's voice "no, don't put them inside yet, just leave them on the swinging bench." have to understand, it is a pretty windy day! But none the less, I had just finished exposing myself to this lover and expressing trust, so on the bench they went!

As I continued to walk, I felt the need to take a picture of my face as it smile, no adjusting the face, just a picture. Unflattering, unhipocritical. A genuine naked facial picture. It looks so terrible it's almost worth laughing at. As I turned off the camera, I heard Christ's voice say "it's beautiful!" with a genuine joy. In disbelief I turned the camera back on to reassure myself of the picture's uglyiness. Instead of uglyness, I saw a ingrained frustration or confusion in my eyes, an exhausted expression, a weary soul. I also saw a big nose and forehead but that's besides the point! Christ thinks those are beautiful.

I continued to walk until I came to a place where I knew there would be a clearing in the trees. Instead of taking the path, God had me walk right through the bushes. "it's alright, it's my creation. You wont get poison ivy from this.". And so I followed His instructions, cringing with every three leafed, woody stem that brushed my jeans. ... An exercise of faith. I guess if I can test Him, He is welcome to test me! Of course it's not a test, it's a faith strengthening exercise...but not an exercise, an adventure with my lover...

As I got past the thicker bush, I was in the clearing. It was a beautiful little clearing with a couple of fire pits. I was going to sit on a fire pit, when I heard the voice of my saviour and lover once more saying "why sit on that cold stone? I made you a chair see!?" As I looked to my right, I saw a huge tree which had broken and fallen over just at a nice height to lift me off the ground but not be so tall that I would be frightened. It even broke in a way that would be conveniently easy for my stubby little legs to climb up. There were no bugs on the tree. As I was climbing up it, I could see the different layers of the tree. A sideways look at the hardened sap running just under the bark of the tree. I horizontal look at how the strong core of the tree remained intact while the outer rings had broken away. "see?" said Christ "isn't my creation magnificent?". Eventually I climbed to the part of the tree which was laying on the ground. As I walked across the trunk of the tree to the spot I wished to sit, I heard Christ saying "I've got you, just relax. I've made this the perfect height for you." Eventually I sat down and looked at the view. It was a beautiful picture of my God's creation. I took a snapshot with little effort, and it looks amazing. "see? My creation doesn't require photography skills"

Then Jesus let me know "I'm going to climb up this tree and sit behind you" a warning so I wouldn't be startled. We sat there a while and just looked at the things he had made. I admired a piece of bark, that was layered with crystallized sap as Jesus said "I wonder when you people will realize that this sparkling crystal is just as beautiful as diamonds". After a while, we both got off and continued to walk.

As I started to walk back towards the cabin, I saw more bull rushes, and felt God's push, saying "no, you'll need some more. Some longer ones." So I grabbed some, and began to walk away as I heard someone at the camp rummaging in the garbage. "no Krysta, turn around, you will need a few more". So I did. Again I turned to walk away in hopes that they would not see me bizzarly picking bull rushes. Then Jesus said "Krysta, are you ashamed? Just trust me.". And I picked a final few rushes.

As I neared the final bend of my walk back to the cabin, I heard Jesus say as I looked at a birch tree "you'll need a piece of birch bark too...". I responded "but I wont take it off the tree! The tree needs it!". We continued walking until just about at the cabin, when I looked down and saw a small piece of birch bark in the grass. I smiled as Jesus said "There. You happy?" with a smirk.

I brought these things back to the cabin. As I approached the bench with the previous bullrushes on it, I noticed they hadn't moved at all, despite the wind. Not a single one had fallen on the ground! "You see Krysta? You just need to trust me. Put the rest of the bull rushes in the house with the bark."

Then I got a little playful idea in my head "Alright Jesus, I'll put the rushes in the house. But can I leave the bark on the deck? In a windy spot?" I felt Jesus understood the playful challenge in my voice as He responded "Try me..." ... I got the same nervous feeling I had when I put the rushes on the bench, except this time, I wondered if Jesus would let me down, just to prove His divinity. As I set the light piece of bark down, it blew a little in the wind, before wedging in between the floor boards, where it couldn't be moved by the wind. Still though, I had faith as I walked away that it would remain there, and not fall under the deck.

I walked down to the lake agian. This time, because Christ wanted me to get a stone. Once I got down there, I noticed how high the water was, and how impossible it would be to have a good selection of stones. But then I heard Christ's voice once more. "see those waves? See that rock? Go stand on that rock..." ..."are you crazy Jesus!? My shoes will get soaked! Not a single wave has not COVERED that rock!"

"Just trust me"...

" this the same "trust me" curtis used when we were camping, and I jumped into the lake? Cause that wasn't funny..."

So I began to approach the rock with hesitancy. As I got nearer, I was extremely hesitant. I stood a rock behind the one Christ had pointed out, when a big wave splashed up onto my shoes. I backed away, just in time for some smaller waves which did not cover the intended rock... "crap!" I thought, "I missed the opportunity!" ...well maybe I could give it another go! So I waited and saw more big waves, but decided to step out in faith. Sure enough, the waves died down just as I stood on the rock, only to pick up again shortly after I left!

I was about to go back up to the cabin when I realized I hadn't grabbed a rock! So I asked God "hey! Wasn't I supposed to get a rock?" ..."oh ya! Um...that one!"... I sort of gave him a spiteful playful look... And felt him smile back at me.

As I approached the cabin, I saw that the bark was still firmly lodged where God had put it! So I gathered my things, and put them all in the cabin.