Monday, September 13, 2010

saying "yes" to that voice you try to rationalize away

So here i sit listening to christmas music! Christ told me christmas music isn't really his favorite....what kid likes hearing songs written about when they were born right!? little personal lulabyes broadcasted publicly? (obviously it's a totally different story when it actually brings someone into a place of worship. Then there's nothing He'd rather hear!)
 TOTALLY NOT the point of this post! The subject of this post is saying "yes" to CHrist, even when that voice doesn't seem to make sense for you. I'm not saying you should say "yes" to that voice that tells you to swerve your car into oncoming traffic cause it's God's will...that voice isn't the one from God!

I'm talking about the voice you ignore more regularely! the one that tells you to wear shoes instead of sandles. the one that says "dont take the car today", or that says "smile and say hi to that person; they need it today" or even *Gasp!* "tell that person I love them! They need to hear it!"

Well, therein lies the beginning of my little adventure a couple of days ago! It started with me listening to what Christ wanted to say through me! I asked Him who He wanted to encourage through me today, and He gave me two names. One was a friend from highschool (the ONLY friend i really talk to from highschool still actually!) and the other, was my husband's old pastor that I have maybe talked to twice in my life! "Well okay!" I said as I obeyed (said "yes" to the voice). I then proceeded to bus downtown by missing my preferred bus. As I waited for the 20 to take me up to henderson from Watt, Kayla called and Christ said "don't be ashamed to talk about me to her. these bystanders are my concern, not yours". So I obeyed and spilled my guts out! It was great!

After getting on the bus, Christ said one stop in "you need to get off now!!" so I said "yes". After I was off, He revealed to me that there was an evil presence which entered the bus at that stop which He didn't want to touch me. I walked up to henderson and waited for the ever-so-slow but consistent number 11 bus! The grouchy middle aged man from the bus stop sat next to me on the bus and Christ said "that grouch is a mask. He needs to know that I love him"
"ah yes" i said "he does...i will pray for him" ...
"oh...crap..." i said as my heart rate increased
"Krysta, what do you have to lose. you don't know him. He is just as much my problem as the bull rushes were"
"your right"...
"'re still not saying it"
"I KNOW! ...i know... i will"
"He is going to get off at the next stop"
"I'll say it! just wait!"
sure enough he got up to get off... so i stood up and tapped him on the shoulder
"Excuse me, i've been putting this off, but God wants you to know that He loves you."
"WHAT!?" the man exclaimed in confusion
This time looking him in the eyes "God NEEDS you to know that he loves you"
"Get away from me you stupid *%$@#" he mumbled as he got off the bus.
"That went well" Christ said "you got two of the magical seven times a person needs to hear about me" he said mockingly, and i laughed to myself!

my day continued on, and I walked past two homeless men which Christ said "c'mon  I wanna treat them to lunch just as I treated you!" so i repeated "c'mon guys! God want's to treat you to lunch!" as we approached the hot dog stand, i saw they were cash me and one of the men went wandering around downtown looking for a debit machine (seriousely...who ONLY takes cash these days!!). This lead to an awesome discussion about his teaching career and his history in the residentail schools. I gave him an opportunity to vent his hatred for christians. He said "when i left i was so angy, i even burned my bible" I got to tell him that God understood that pain, and even understood what lead him to burn a bible. Eventually I got them lunch and they let me take their picture (with the big box of chips from the hotdog stand of course!)

I carried on my way and went to dollarama to get more supplies for the bachelorette i was planning in the evening when i decided to buy a canvas to paint. An aboriginal man with a scarred face came up and grabbed about 5 canvases, and I was reminded of my crazy college painting friend. so I asked him "what do you paint?" to which he responded "aboriginal art" we talked about aboriginal art for a while and then he offered to teach me how to paint aboriginal art! so I plan to do that yet! I'm going out for coffee with him next week sometime.

Then I began my journey home (you think God's done yet?) On the way home, i took the eleven cause there was no 43 coming within two hours (makes NO sense, cause it comes every 45 minutes). Getting off on Henderson, I inquired of God weather He wanted me to transfer or just walk down Johnson. He said "walk" so I said "yes"...on the way home i met a kind immigrant muslim woman and we talked and encouraged each other. I encouraged her in her english, and she taught me some swahili!

Because I said "yes", my God taught me that He can use a white german girl to help the Aboriginal people. He taught me that I can paint a cultural art form not my own. That he's the God that breaks all divisions, including spiritual bondage.. That He is the God of the grumpy, the homeless, and the muslim woman. All are His creation and not a ONE are out of His reach!

What have you done to say "yes" to that voice today?

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