Saturday, September 11, 2010

Honeymoon Bull rushes adventure

Okay, so this is the stupidest possible way God could teach me a lesson of faith!!

God got me to pick some bull rushes... He also got me a piece of birch bark, a rock, and a twig. So he got me to put the rushes on the bench and walk away on this windy day, so I would have faith. I was worried, but when I came back 20 minutes later, nothing had moved. I tried the same thing with the light piece of bark on the deck, and again, God showed me His power over creation. It's a WINDY day! It should've all blown away...

Now he's got me all up in a knot over His next request of faith! He told me to put it ALL on the bench and leave it overnight!! Aaah!! It's so windy that the bench is rocking in the wind. The bark is so light and the rushes too!

The funny part is why the heck to I care? It's not even my stuff, it's Gods! Haha! It's HIS creation, I don't even know WHY He had me pick it for crying out loud! I shouldn't be so stressed... But I guess, this shows how little faith I really have... I'm scared that I will wake up and the rushes and bark will be blown around everywhere.

Even funnier, is Christ has expressed His hurt that after everything so far today, I still don't trust trust him. I appologized and asked Him to help my unbelief. In response to this, He told me to look at the rushes. They looked the same to me. Again I asked if I could look. The bench was rocking, and the rushes will still there. The one rush on the top of the bench handle had fallen to a more secure location. Still, I looked around the bench to make sure none had fallen down...

Eventually I sat there laughing to myself as I prayed "God, I surrender the bull rushes to you!" I'm still nervous, cause I feel like if they are all gone in the morning, so will my faith be..but I know that that isn't true! I am excited to see God pull through as a result of my mustard seed of faith...hah! IF that...

...The next day...

Haha! Wow did the wind blow last night! I eventually had to close all the curtains so I wouldn't focus on the bull rushes outside. I watched the Chronicles of Narnia before dropping off to sleep. It's neat how Christ's voice can speak when we are the little moments He speaks...

ANYWAY! So I woke up a few times at night when I heard the wind blowing against the cabin. I was afraid the wind would blow my faith (bullrushes) with it...but I just heard christ's voice as He lay next to me. "is everything alright? I've got you. I'm here beside you and I do not sleep. Remember, though winds blow and storms come, I will be with you and you will not be moved..." I took His encouragement and fell back asleep.

Then this morning, I looked outside, and was NOT surprised to see that all my rushes were still on the bench!! To be honest, I chose to have the faith that they would be there. I would have had my faith horribly let down if they were gone. Not only the bull rushes, but the stick, bark and stone were all still there! I heard Christ's voice say "the least of these is still in my control" referring to the tiny twig that you can barely see in the picture. I joyfully brought them into the cabin and set them down until the time where I feel Jesus wants me to do more with them. I have a feeling I will weave a memoir of this weekend with them or something...

But then later that morning, I had the audacity to go out and just double check that none had fallen on the ground. When I looked around, I found one wedged between the bench boards, as a means of securing it's place.

But I also saw a few smaller ones on the ground. I gathered them up with disappointment...Was my God not all-powerful? Could he not have kept them all on the bench? I inquired of Him about these things. The only word He gave me was "chaff"...To which I just smiled and joyfully threw the small useless pieces away! There's no way I could've weaved with those anyway!

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