Saturday, April 16, 2011

Native Pride

It was interesting listening to some of my Girl's favorite songs. She likes one on Youtube called "What's really Rez" and Rez stands for the Reserves. It's funny because it's like the Native version of how Mennonites make fun of themselves. It's not funny if I were to make the jokes about Native people or for them to make jokes about White people...But as a menno, I can understand why a Native person would find a song like that really funny.  Some of the stuff, I got just from being up there, like "when you make a sandwich outta moose meat" or "
when you give directions with your lips"

I've been having a wierd day... Watching how my beautiful young ladies are affected by there history, and how Native people have been oppressed...working first hand with youth who adore their parents but hate them at the same time... seeing siblings who band together, brothers who look after sisters, and sisters who look after brothers... We are all going to be surprised by the success of the next generation I think...

I just spent some time watching the opening ceremonies from the olypics again...gets me every time! I can't help but cry when I watch how canada got the First Nations to welcome people to the olympics...

And yet it's a bitter sweet...Because as I watch a Pow wow, I am slightly uncomfortable, but overwhelmingly over-joyed at the same time... it's as if I want these people to have their land back... but at the same time, I feel so inferior! I know people say "Native people are strong"...but dang it they are frigging strong!!

My 12 year old, who has been through hell and back, chooses to have her own identity. She helps the homeless, and tries to get hi-fives in the mall because she has a need for acceptance. but you know what? With all of her friend's committing suicide and going to a school where the "lock ups" go, she keeps her own! She doesn't let herself get knocked around.

My 17 year old who is more street wise than I will ever be, has been called a "fucking squaw" by a police officer. She's been in and out of lock up, on perole...but she WILL NOT let a boy touch her! She has so much pride in who she is.  She knows that "they're all the same" is a lie...and didn't believe it when the cop told it to her. In fact, she knows her totem, her colors and is a shawl dancer. She knows who she is, and has her identity. Despite everything she's been through, she has such a balanced outlook on life...towards cops, towards her abusive father, towards me, and cfs... towards her foster parents, her teachers.... She is still a teenager, but with such incredible wisdom for someone who has lived on the streets and so much more... I'd love to brag about her more, but you know the whole confidentiality thing...

Strength doesn't even begin to describe these people... what did the menno's do? they decided not to fight and are still stingy people that can't seem to get out of a rut....what about the irish? they're still ANGRY! and the Germans? well! They think the word "hitler" is a swear word...  and how many centuries have we all had to get over our issues... here we are, getting all on the native people's case about saping the system...when our ancestors tried to commit cultural gennocide! Wow! Here they are! Remembering their language! Living at peace with us! Dancing! Singing! Remembering! Here they are, getting over their JUSTIFIABLE grudges, and making peace with the rest of society! So who are we to judge them?

When a man who has been in every steriotype imaginable rises to have a family, and make a difference in his reservation, that's a success. When he relapses and starts drinking again...goodness me! Give the man a break! We right away judge...or write him off...but he is not a write off. he successfully went 7 years without a mess up! That's still a success!

Our vision is disturbing... I sometimes wonder why the native people didn't kill off the settlers...we are forever greatful to them. None of us would be in canada if they were half the stupid people we are.....

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