Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So I'd like to just say that i'm pretty sure i'm in the honeymoon phase of this job... cause it's like... Hey! I get to work out and get paid for it! (like...actually go to the Y for free without a membership and get paid 16.55 an hour to do so....) or Go to the Metis CFS office and make traditional crafts every thursday night, for 16.55/Hour! And I get to hang out with just ONE kid at a time, as opposed to camp, where you have 8... and you get 125 a week....woo...

And if one of my campers goes to camp, I might get to supervise her there! So she'll be making 125, and i'll be making 16.55 an hour lol... This whole working thing is pretty awesome.

It has it's ups and downs though...The other night, my 12 year old wanted to commit that was pretty stressfull. and I know that once I am working alot with these girls, that the relationships will go deeper, and trials will come, or i'll get bored or who knows what...but for now, I'm in the honeymoon phase and loving it!

I've met 3/4 of my girls, and I"m starting to see that i'll basically have no social life anymore while I do this job...Which is fine, cause I only committed to a year of doing this. So at least there is an end in sight for when I get really sick of working evenings and never seeing my husband... Also summer time is going to be awesome because I can work days when my client's are out of school! :)

In other news, I am now kept awake by fears of head lice, scabies and bed bugs...yay inner city youth! But my supervisor had an awesome idea, to cover my passenger seat with a blanket and then wrap up the blanket when I am done with my client, so anything living, will suffocate overnight. I'm gonna have to try that.

Gotta say, already had lice! Guess that means I'm a good worker with my kids. We bought the multi-pack of nix cause I have a feeling it wont be the only time I get them bugs... I should probably get some raid for my clothes too... I'm deffinately gonna die of cancer haha!

It's a wierd place to be....working in one social class and living in another... don't kid yourself, their's classes...
  • There's lowest class (homeless fried on hairspray class)
  • There's low class (they speak differently "eh! You don godda go'n'do dat duya?!" (or the "native" accent)
  • There's middle class (all us poor newly weds, who actually have a home, and the families who live on low income but can afford the neccessities of life
  • There's upper middle class (people who have made a living for a while, and live a modest but extremely comfortable life style
  • and there's upper class (just drive down pritchard farm road or another fancy development and you'll know what I mean) They have other language too, like all their edu-ma-kated jargon and political talk.
So i'm in the middle class, my family is in the upper middle class, and my clients are in the low class. So when I visit my parents with lice, there's a gap there. there's the upper middle class-low class gap that I've magically bridged by bringing lice into the home! (oh glorious me!)

--And Alyssa if you're feeding jadyn thinking "crap. she's coming to my place" don't worry, i already Nix'ed myself and lice check daily. no signs right now!

But see what I mean? even that worry that I carry about what people in MY social class with think about this little piece of lower class that sticks to me... it's just a bit crazy... anyway, I'm baking buns and this was my "pass the time" ...buns are done! And so is this entry!

1 comment:

  1. Having been a regular "lice check mom" in school, lice don't check social class credentials..... happens in every town, in every class and it's not an indicator of how clean one is. That being said, there is a stigma about it that shouldn't be....
