Sunday, April 3, 2011

busy busy!

So we saw a house today that we might buy... no idea yet though. it's QUITE a fixer-upper, but definately do-able. The problem is that the people selling it have sentimental attachment and feel like it's worth about 30-40000 dollars more than it truly is valued at...We had my cousin come in and give us some numbers (he's a real-estate agent) so we know more what we're doing. So now our heads are full of numbers and renno's and costs-bennefits analysis and I can't sleep lol.

In other news, I start my job tomorrow! (monday)! woot! It's just orientation (meaning me and the boss-man talking), so it'll be low-key and more learning than performance. Should be good. I will have a chance to get into the game of things. And I'm assuming I get paid for this orientation business, so that will feel good! I'm feeling better about all this job stuff. I still don't understand why I would be under the impression that God wanted to give me the other job...unless He just knows what I want better than I do...That could very well be I guess. I think it's funny that I'm at peace dispite this supposed "un answered, answered prayer" for a Job. I'll take it. Everyone who'se worked with Metis cfs says they're amazing and they do great training, so I can't go wrong. And it's a job, so i'll take it!

Anyway, God is good...

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