Sunday, October 3, 2010

live your dreams

So the sermon series at Riverwood is  about re-experiencing your dreams...lost dreams, forgotten and plans from God. I think it's pretty interesting! Three examples given from the bible were Joseph, Moses and Mary (mother of Jesus) who lived incredible dreams! Joseph had his dreams stab him in the back when Potiphar's wife tried to take advantage of him
***side note** The Greek word for "officer" used for Potiphar is the same word used for uniqe elsewhere in the bible! Who knew man-less men could get married! Makes his wife's position more understandable too...Wrong, but understandable!

Anyway, in the message Pastor Tod talked about different ways people react to getting a dream or vision for their life. They sometimes are prideful (Joseph, bragging to bro's), sometimes they panic (Moses "who am I!?") or they ponder it (Mary)...

Why am I sharing my sunday sermon with you? Because We all have dreams....For me right now, I know that I have been anointed by God himself! I have been propheseyed over by two friends, and I know in my heart and head that I have seen visions of myself on a stage before  hundreds of people, telling them how it is! Exposing demons and lifting up the name of Jesus! I know I will be a bondage breaker, and I am not afraid to broadcast that dream to anyone who reads this! I am broadcasting it because I KNOW it's God's will!

I also know God is going to fulfill my dream of having a family, and a beautiful home with a garden...sounds trivial right? But He has taken the time to confirm that dream for me! I also know I can relax and follow my husband's leadership and I will always remain in God's will! He has confirmed that for me. He will never bring me a challenge that will go against my marital commitment. I am in His will when I honor my husband!

If you know me quite well, you will understand how impossible all three of these dreams seem when smushed together, but God is God and I am not! I am so excited to see Him work, and I will not let go of these dreams! For now, I am pondering these things, tossing them in my memory to treasure forever, and never forget.

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