Thursday, October 7, 2010

Unity of the spirit

So I experienced a strange feeling yesterday evening. The band I sing in played for a youth group in Rosenort (which was frigging awesome by the way!!), and while we were practicing, One of the singer's friends walked into the church.
Now this guy, the friend of my fellow band-mate has experienced God in a crazy radical way! Jesus turned his life upside down and it gives me shivers whenever I think about it! He shares my radical passion for Christ, and thirst for something greater. During his experience with God, he too recieved the gift of tongues. (Tongues here, tongues there, tongues EVERYWHERE...YEESH!)  **and by the way, Kayla now speaks tongues...and she never thought she would...HAH! TAKE THAT SPIRIT OF DOUBT!!**

BACK to my story!! When J (we'll call my friend's buddy "J" for now) walked into the room and my friend was waving at him, my heart LITTERALLY skipped a beat! like... you know when you turn your neck funny and it cracks and your whole neck is like warm and tingly (usually in a bad way)? Well this was like that, only in my heart and stomach (and in a good way)! My spirit was directed to the scripture where Mary (Jesus's mom) talks to her cousin and her cousin says that the baby leapt within her womb when she saw Mary.

I finally saw someone COMPLETELY unrelated to my own story whom God has touched in the same way! I instantly knew "this is my brother and I could trust him with my life" I knew at once that If I needed spiritual back-up, that he'd be there in a heartbeat. Before I even said "hello" to him, I was aware of a unity in the spirit that is so much greater than we are!

When we prayed before the worship event, I was being reassured by Christ, as we both sat their very quietly praying in tongues...completely separate, yet totally united beyond our understanding. Christ was reassuring me "Krysta, this isn't all in your head. you aren't making it up. This is real. I am real. See how I work in other situations? I am beginning a work and you are within my will and plans".

I think it is so easy for me to doubt because my husband is not in the same place as I. In fact he has respectfully asked that I stop prophesying because he feels I am just trying to be a psychic...Yes, this tears at the deepest parts of my soul, because my husband (whom I love dearly and have chosen to respect) is asking me to stop using a gift from God. I know he just doesn't understand prophesy yet. How could he? The only reason I get it, is cause I've got it! The only reason I have this gift is the grace of God! Therefore out of my nothingness, all I can do is pray. And that is the most powerful weapon of all!

Christ has done a miraculous thing by prophetically giving me warning of this. By telling me not to be afraid to respect my husband, He has given me permission to follow God 100% while obeying His word which says to respect my husband. In fact, Christ has come to me and in the consoling way only He can have, He has comforted me with these words "yes this is a gift you have. And it will be a GREAT gift! I am using this time to sharpen you in other ways that will make your prophetic gift more holy and pure for me! Be patient. I will not give you prophetic words during this time, because you are honoring me by honoring your husband"

... WOW!! What a God! I could not be any happier than I am right now, because I am still recklessly abandoned to my first love! I will continue to do what he tells me to. I will say what He gives me to say! You! You should praise Christ for His greatness! If not  for something you see in your own miraculous life, then praise him for his work in my life! I don't deserve any of it, I'm just an A.D.D. 22 year old with no job!

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