Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Happy New Years!

I realize that isn't till tomorrow, but there's no chance of me being up past midnight two nights in a row. 

Just wanted to throw my resolutions out there so it's all official, andMAYBE someone will call me out on them when I am breaking them! They may sound lofty, but it's all things I have done in my motherhood life already, so, not impossible by any means. 

1) do personal devotions 4-5 days a week.(may sound small, but it's a realistic goal and a large step forward for me)

2) work out 3 times a week (for as long as baby lets me of course)

3) schedule my days (sit down each morning and physically write out my day's plans. I have set an iPhone alarm for this)

4) budget (keep track for a few months of all spending, then create a budget, then continue recording spending, and adjust once baby 2 comes along)

5) cut out junk food (all-encompassing) and all packaged meals (like mr noodles, kd, Canned soups, frozen meals)

6) no daytime tv/iPhone time-killing/Facebook till after Curtis is home from work (post-supper on weekends)

7) go to bed before 11 every night, preferably between 9:30-10:00 if possible.  

These are sort of in order of importantce and do-ability. Ie: the latter ones are more likely to be dropped first if it's too much, rather than the former. 

That is all! Just wanted to get all that out there!

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