Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21 Advent

I want to pause in our story for an important reason. People back then were able to hear from God, but we too often leave this sort of thing for bible times. We instead say that God simply speaks to us through the Word, through nature, and worship, etc... It is true, God DOES speak to us through these things! But God also speaks to us audibly. He wants to speak to ALL of us, only we don't know how to listen just yet... Lets take a lesson from Zechariah, from Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the wise men and shepherds, and lets learn how to open our ears and hearts to HEAR from God, a new message that he has spoken just for us.

I am feeling solemn this morning...perhaps it is because I woke up an extra hour earlier, but perhaps it is God. Sometimes these things happen because God is trying to tell me something... At this point, I don't know what that message is, but I will need to be consciously aware and alert today to hear his voice, so that I can act on what he is trying to tell me. I have learned my own body signals to an encounter with God. I know the changes in my mental focus, mood, and train of thinking. Right now it’s all hovering in the spiritual category for me. This is an important part of self-awareness I have learned along my own journey of hearing God’s voice. Let me share a bit of my testimony with you guys today, to show you what it looked like for me to learn how to hear the voice of Christ in my life.

I was blessed to be a part of a study in high school called “the hardest 30 days of your life” which lead up to a spiritual retreat. The first several days teach you how to pray the “parts” prayer. Praise, Admit, Request, Thanks, Shut up. You can read more about this prayer here, if you are interested. and buy it here (I already checked Amazon for you, brand new, this is your best bet). Yes this is a plug, but not prompted by anything except my memories, and the holy spirit.

Anyway, the part that was the hardest for me was the “shut up” and it means exactly what you would think it does. Shut up and listen to God, for once in your life, and every day here after! It was kind of rude to me at first (especially since my parents considered “shut up” a swear word for us in elementary), but it grew on me as I began to practice it. The truth is, the first several weeks (because this is 30 WEEKDAYS not 30 consecutive days) I heard nothing. I would be silent, quiet my mind and try to hear from God, for probably 5-10 minutes, constantly catching my thoughts come back, and shoving them out again (men, this is actually an almost IMPOSSIBLE task for women, to think about nothing for a period of time... unless we are dead of course). So for me it took a lot of practice to just learn how to shut my mind up! I think that is why it took so long for me to hear God’s voice. You see, for me it sounded VERY quiet. And I didn’t really know my shepherd’s voice all that well yet, so it sounded quieter than a whisper in my mind. 

For the record: I am not talking about an audible voice I hear, but one that intrudes my train of thought and speaks into my soul. This took a long time to hear well. It was very quiet for a long time, and I would have to sit and quiet my soul for a while intentionally before hearing from God. Eventually, I could hear him more easily, and just shift gears to my “listening to God” box instead of taking the step to quiet my soul. Then with more practice yet, God would interrupt my prayer journaling and start talking. Prayer time became more like a conversation with God, written down almost like a script. I would use a “-“ for my words and a “+” for God’s words to me. I kept many-a-prayer journals like this. As I practiced and got stronger, God would interrupt my thoughts on a daily basis. He would point out people who needed encouragement. He would stop me before I said something foolish. He would say “do this for me, not them”...which was great since I was a teenager and didn’t’ like to do things for my parents... J. God really became my friend! A daily enjoyment, and someone I could TRULY talk to intimately, not just talk AT. I wasn’t writing a one-way email or letter, I was having dialogue every time I prayed!

Oddly, this part of my life with God died down when I went to SBC... not totally sure why, possibly because I was so immersed in the life and history of Christianity that I didn’t “miss” him and stopped actively checking in. I would still hear from him on a daily basis as I went about my day, but the values of “hearing from God” seemed fairly Pentecostal to me, for my Mennonite surroundings, so I kind-of muffled this gift. (I also was confident in my gifts of prophecy by now, but daren’t speak of those either. These were my own un-founded fears of course, encouraged by the general Mennonite culture, and not by the college itself). So as life went on, and I went to BOOTH (who’se social work program is Christian in name only, in my opinion) these gifts almost vanished. We were taught to keep God separate from our profession. This was well-learned and has taken Kayla and I both several years to un-learn. (faster for me, since I went on Mat-leave and was able to think un-biasedly for a period of time). And then since college, I have ebbed and flowed in my relationship with God, as it applies to actually communing with him... The “creep” (my chosen word for satan, at times. Go ahead, chuckle J but it is true!) The creep planted a thought in my head that when I was hearing from God and acting on those instructions, that this might possibly just be Schizophrenia. Of course, this is un-founded and totally inaccurate. This idea was the combination of too many research papers on mental health, and not being close enough to my shepherd, that I knew his voice with confidence.

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—John 10:14

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

These verses haunt me on this topic greatly. It brings me so much conviction that the church doesn’t know Christ’s voice, and doesn’t even TRY to hear it most of the time. The truth is, maybe we are afraid of what it means, or how Christ might change our lives. This has been my excuse many times. But do you know what God always says back to me?

“Krysta I love you. Don't you think I want the best for you? Just because you don’t understand what I am doing, doesn’t mean it isn’t all-together good.” He then gets more specific depending on the request. Things like “strengthening requires effort, and sometimes pain”. “this isn’t for you, it is for me” and my favorite faith-required tasks response “let me worry about my own reputation. This isn’t about you.”

This has all been somewhat of a recent testimony of my relationship with God. Something intimate that most people care not to share. Please read these words and take them to heart, when I say that Jesus commands us to know his voice. I don't think he is necessarily saying, know the bible (although we are also to know the bible well so we can use it to fight evil, and so we can be as clever as foxes yet as innocent as doves). Jesus is saying that he sent us his holy spirit for a reason! Why are we shutting it out? Isn’t that why he went back to heaven!? To prepare a place for us, and to send us the holy spirit. Jesus said that through the holy spirit, he is with us ALWAYS! Well, if he is with us, we ought to hear his voice, and if we hear his voice, then we will KNOW his voice. Then he is our good shepherd and we, his sheep! Then we can take these verses in John seriousely. 

Listen for God today. Remember, this is Christmas. Although many shut God out, many more still, invite him in for this one time of year. That means God is near already. He  is always near of course, but at this time of year, I always find, I can hear Christ more clearly. Even Easter is more difficult, because there is much warfare surrounding it. The birth of Christ, welcomes him into the world. This is what people do all around the world Christmas morning. Why don't we take advantage of the fact that the world is worshiping our God for one day this year, and ask the holy spirit to speak boldy while he is so actively moving in our world?

Like I said, hearing from God can take time, especially when we don't know how to shut up. This took almost a month for me when I was in high school and VERY focused on the task, so be patient with yourself, but put earnest effort into quieting your OWN soul and listening for God’s. He WILL speak. He loves to speak to us.
I recommend writing it down, since it can be very assuring to keep a log, to look back on.

Dear God, thank you that you speak today, and not just in bible times. Thank you that we can ALL hear from you, and we do not have to go to anyone special to get a message from you. Thank you that you speak, even when we don't deserve to hear from you at all. Thank you that this is all possible because you sacrificed your own son for us. Thank you....Thank you for coming to earth and living such a real life, so that you can fully empathize with all our situations Lord...Thank you...God I pray that as people read this devotional, that it would touch their hearts. I pray that YOU would touch hearts, and open ears to hear you. Please God, make this task simple and attainable for those who desire it. We lift up our hearts to you God, and ask that you speak to them.
In Jesus name,

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