Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16 Advent

I have been looking through James this past week, and there’s a theme in chapter two that strikes me as very relevant to what we have learned in the Christmas story so far. Sorry to jump around a bit, but please let me quote you a couple verses, and then you will learn what I mean.

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17)
“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” (James 2:19)
“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” (James 2:26)

These verses seem slightly contradictory to what Jesus teaches, and the fact that he detests all the rituals of the Pharisees, later on in his ministry, but really this is very much in line both with what Christ teaches (sell all you own and give it to the poor, love your neighbor, do good to those who hate you etc... are all deeds of faith), and the message of the Christmas story as we have heard it so far this month! Let me give you a few bullet points to remind you of this point...

-Zechariah may have done the deed correctly of lighting the incense, but lacked faith in God’s plan for his child. And so God silenced him.

- Mary had faith, AND acted on it, glorifying God through song and an obedient spirit. God protected her from the shame of being a single mother, and provided her with many affirmations of his will, to strengthen her faith, since she committed her faith through her actions.

-  Elizabeth acted on her faith by praising God and affirming Mary’s baby as the Christ child

- Zechariah has faith and acts on it by naming his son John. This results in his mouth being opened! And Zechariah immediately responds with the deed of praise to God, despite whoever is watching!

- Mary and Joseph both acted in faith by journeying to Bethlehem with a VERY pregnant Mary, trusting God that he would keep his Christ son, and that boy’s mother safe from harm. That was a HUGE deed that was brought on by faith...

- The shepherds acted on their faith by searching for the Christ child. They once again acted on their faith by telling all the people about what they saw...

So you can see that the Christmas story is full of examples of how faith and deeds must go hand-in-hand. God is not a God of book-learnin’ although he wants us to know him well in his word...God wants to be EXPERIENTIAL. He doesn’t want us to just sit around and debate about theology until we are blue in the face, He wants us to believe him SO MUCH that we take risks for his name’s sake. (Risks that REALLY aren’t risks, when you consider all that Christ promised us). He wants to live out our faith, act out our faith. That was the difference between whom God chose to be a part of the story of his son’s birth, and who we would’ve Chosen. God chose an elderly man and his barren wife to rebirth the prophet Isaiah in prophetic wisdom... We would’ve probably chosen a younger healthier couple, likely also in the priesthood... But God saw Zechariah’s correctable spirit, and Elizabeth’s joyful soul...God chose a teenage girl with NO parenting experience, to be the mother of his son. Likely I would have picked someone more mature, who had a stable marriage already, or had demonstrated some sense of biblical wisdom...But God saw an obedient and teachable spirit, and a mother who would love his son dearly. God chose the lowly shepherds, Jewish or not, to be the messengers to people about the birth of his son. I likely would have chosen someone more prominent and easily believed. But God saw the obedient spirits of the shepherds and chose exactly right!

God saw not only people’s faith, but the fact that their faith was experiential and that these were the people who were not afraid to act on their faith. These people were LEGITIMATE in their faith. We may see outer flaws, and many weaknesses, but God sees faith in these people that is flawless and so strong it could move mountains (And so I think perhaps God chose better than I would have!). What a different story it would have been if Zechariah didn’t name him John. What a different story if Mary had quickly eloped with Joseph so that he would think the baby was his.... what a different story if the shepherds decided to mind their own business... What a difference, action on faith makes...

This is a very short little study today... I want to re-emphasize the point that we need to seek God’s will and be obedient to it! Maybe he is giving you a word to share with someone, or putting someone in need on your heart. Maybe He is simply calling at you to spend more time with HIM. Whatever it is, it is NOT ENOUGH to just believe it...You must act on that faith, or it is dead.

Do something for God today. Pray, seek him out, and act on what comes to your heart... This is the story of Christmas. This is what brings God’s glory during this season, which is what it is all about.

Dear God, we know our faith is weak...Lord we ask for your strength. Thank you for choosing exactly right, who would be a part of your son's birth story. Lord, we admire such faith that these people had. For some reason, we always see the christmas people as "lowly" when in fact, you chose them for their huge faith! How glorious! Thank you for that beautiful example! Please strengthen our faith today Lord. Give us a boldness to act on the faith you grant us. We love you Lord, and we know you know best in our lives. Please help us to trust and follow your leading today and in the days ahead.
In Jesus Name,

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