Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4 Advent

Today we continue where we left off yesterday in the story about Zechariah and Elizabeth, who were promised by Gabriel, they would have a son. When Zechariah doubted, Gabriel silenced him until the events took place... so often we do this to ourselves when we doubt, and we silence the glory of God which could be proclaimed excitedly in anticipation. Declaring things yet to come can have so much more power than waiting until after they occur to say something. This is exactly what prophesy is and was. Take Revelation for example. If John had doubtfully kept Christ’s words to himself, we would have no chance of being prepared for the second coming, would we? (granted, many of us STILL aren’t prepared, but that is another topic entirely). And this is exactly why  I celebrate Advent... Just like Christmas is a day to remember and attempt to experience the birth of Christ, Advent is a time to prepare and realize the prophesies spoken about the Christ yet to come. Advent is all about anticipation of a promise from God that was boldly declared, instead of being doubted and silenced.
Luckily, John does not follow in his father’s footsteps, but boldly declares the message Gabriel commanded over his life. It eventually lead him to his death. But he prepared many anticipating hearts for Christ’s arrival.

Let us continue our story about John. Luke 1:23-25 say that When Zechariah returned home from his time of service and was with his wife, she became pregnant, and fully acknowledged the Lord’s hand in the conception of the child. The story continues at vs 57. When Elizabeth has her child, and it is a son (a big deal in a time period of heirs), naturally all their friends and relatives celebrate with her and give God the glory! But Zechariah is still mute, until the eighth day of John’s life, when they bring him to the temple to be circumcised and named. It isn’t until Zechariah  takes a massive step of faith by naming his son “John” (which is not a family name; a very faus pas thing to do) that he is free to speak again! The first thing Zechariah does, is sing! And his song is recorded in verses 67-79 of chapter one, but the text doesn’t call it a song. The bible actually states “then Zechariah prophesied”... interesting, how after Zechariah takes a step of faith and acts on the prophetic words of Gabriel by naming his son John, he is both freed and given further prophetic words to declare. He declares them boldy unlike last time when he simply questioned God. Zechariah’s prophesy is directly about Jesus, as well as what John’s life purpose will be (more specifically than what Gabriel initially pointed out).

Today’s devotional is short and sweet. I would like to first of all say that I am not a “Pentecostal”, but I do freely and proudly declare the spiritual gifts God uses in me, when I am right with Him. The Lord has given me spoken words, visions and prophesies many times since my childhood. When I choose to doubt, the lord becomes silent to me (or I stop hearing him). But when I act in faith, and share His words with the appropriate people, I begin to hear his voice more and more. These are not gifts of the past. They are for right here and now. The Lord speaks to those who listen. God knows exactly how your ears hear, when they are waiting to hear. He may not sound the same to you as he does to me, but he does speak. And thanks to the holy spirit which Christ gave us, prophets are not one-in-a-million. Anyone who has Christ in their life, who takes time to talk to and listen to God, is a “prophet”. I have no more right than you do, to hear from the Lord. This may seem like a strong value to discuss in a simple advent devotional, but it is a bold part of the Christmas story, especially at advent. It is the reason we celebrate advent at all. It is the reason the people of Israel anticipated Christ, just as we wait for Christmas today. 

There were a few bold God-seekers in the old testament who faithfully declared the words God gave them. They were persecuted, mocked, imprisoned, and even killed as a result...but the message got through, and you can read it today, because they had the faith to boldly declare what God told them, even though they would never even see the words come to fruition.  

Has God given you a word to share? Has he put someone on your heart this Christmas season? Maybe he has pointed out a struggling neighbor to you. Are you sensitive to his voice? Are you listening to his leading? Maybe acting out on God’s leading isn’t “bold prophetic statements” but maybe it is bringing a cup of coffee and some cookies to a neighbor. Maybe it is shoveling a driveway, or doing someone else’s laundry. Maybe it is simply being a friend to talk to, during lonely holidays... I would encourage you to listen for God’s voice this Christmas season, and be bold and faithful to respond and declare what God shares with you.

Dear God, Please bless us this season with a closeness with your Holy Spirit. Please God, we ask that you meet us on a deeper level and make connecting with you a very simple task. Give us cravings for more of you lord, and open our ears to hear your voice. Lord, give us a boldness of spirit and faith to act on what you say to us. Give us courage when needed and peace in doing your will. Lord, may you be honored and blessed during this Christmas season. Amen.

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