Saturday, December 11, 2010


: a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else altar of career>  ( 

...gee...doesn't that take all the fire out of  the meaning of an altar. Maybe my definition is wrong, but it works for me! I think an altar is something you create out of worship for God. In the bible people made them when significant events happened, and they stayed there for a long time as reminders of those events. An altar is also a place where you can come and meet with God, get advice and make sacrifices to Him, that will ultimately bring you closer together.

I want to make an altar, because I know that I am in no place to be walking closely with God. For me, a symbol of how God has personally covered me with his grace, would be something that would continue to give me faith.  Maybe I'm just being an unfaithful christian... I don't really know! But I sure know this:

I've been straying from him, and he's been waiting for me. I've been following my own desires, and he's been creating new paths for me to run back to him. I've been avoiding him and he's been running into me! I've been treating him like a Genie and he has graciously answered my prayers. I have dishonored Him, but He has not once dishonored or disrespected me. I have lost faith in God, but God hasn't lost faith in me.

Maybe my alter need's to be Christmas itself! It has been a long time since i've spent advent truly meditating on Christ, preparing for Christmas! Maybe this year needs to be different. I have a God that's WAAY better than the above paragraph describes. He is worth spending a little bit of time on this month. perhaps my alter which will cause me to remember, look back at his grace...perhaps the alter where I will sacrifice myself, is a bail of straw and a silent infant. maybe my alter needs to be Christ himself!

Funny, how I knew that all along...

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