Thursday, February 3, 2011

possible job?

So! Life has been interesting lately... I have been sick for most of the winter, but this time (unlike at sbc) I haven't given up on God, or doubted him. I did get to a place of dispair however... I was sick and on prescription steroids for my lungs and antibiotics... My grandma had just passed away, and I didn't get the job I was interviewed for... Basically I felt like a useless soul. In that moment, God said "see!? now you have nothing left to surrender, so just give it all to me!"...

how pathetic right? how pathetic that it takes until i have absolutely NOTHING, to surrender to God... Incredible...

Anyway, a few months ago, I applied for a social work position in Little Grand Rapids first nations reserve. they e-mailed me with interest, but I didn't hear from them after that... well! yesterday I got a call and they would like to interview me! This position would involve me flying up north each Monday and coming back to Winnipeg each Friday night. They provide for your living expenses while you are out there too... It's a good deal, but I know it will be hard! Especially with my marriage. I know with discipline and God's blessings, this can be an extremely fruitful experience! I don't think i could do it for more than a year or two though...

anyway, in light of my interview, I wanted to learn more about the community! So I googled them and found some write-ups, but it just wasn't the same...I knew I needed to see some faces. I finally stumbled upon this blog post, which helped alot! LIGHT ABOUT MY PATH - LAMP: VBS in Little Grand Rapids, MB

So many faces and children. I can see the potential in the community through the way the people get involved in the programming! It makes me excited and I want to start praying for them!
Please pray with me that I get this position and that God's hand would work through it!

Social work is a difficult place to bring your faith in, especially in a First Nations setting. I know about the tremendous hurt these people have experienced at the hands of people who claimed to serve "my God"... Personally it feels like an impossible situation, because I don't feel any right to bring my faith into their community if it will only bring them more pain. I know God has a plan, and that's why He has asked me to surrender ALL to Him. He is the worker of the impossible and the healer of the broken. Only my God can heal people, and if He plans to use me, I will be ever-so-blessed along the way!

Thanks for your prayers!
- krysta

1 comment:

  1. I remember you telling me about this position (I think when we were camping in the states). I'll be praying for you and the interview as well as the possible decisions you'll have in the near future!
